Release Version 105
With our first update back from the holidays, we’re adding a new way to export your translated compositions in bulk, retiring jibber jabber, making some small tweaks in the editor, and fixing a number of bugs.
Batch exports now available for Translations
You can now export all of your translated compositions in a batch process. We’ve added checkboxes to the Language selection list on the Export tab, so just select all the translated versions you’d like exported, and they’ll be automatically queued up and processed. A great time saver on the path to expanding your audience.

Jibber Jabber is no more
We’ve made it easier to understand when you’re nearing your text-to-speech limit by eliminating Jibber Jabber (replacing random words with nonsense when you’ve used your balance.) Now, we’ll simply stop generating new TTS, and you can increase your monthly limits by upgrading if you need more time. You’ll hit this prompt and click
Upgrade Now
or dismiss it. 
You’ll only hit this once, and then be met with a smaller prompt as a reminder that you are out of text-to-speech minutes.
Editor updates
- Audio sliders are now represented by a percentage (%) value rather than a dB (decibel) value by default. This should be clearer for users without a background in audio production. r → View → Show volume as decibels.

- For users who prefer a decibel meter, you can toggle that on under the in-project app menu in the upper left corner.

- The forward and back buttons in the playback control panel will now navigate between scenes, rather than skipping between Markers.
- The option to Apply properties to all sceneshas been removed from the 3 dot menu on the layer and scene panel in favor of the more obvious top bar Current Scene / All Scenes button on both the canvas and layer panel.