Carl Youngblood
Would like to be able to adjust clip speed for individual audio files / scripts. Some people talk slower than others, and it would be good to be able to balance them out a bit.
Andrew Mason
This shipped!
Thomas Hopkins
Andrew Mason: where is this feature?
Mohammad Keyhani
When creating any kind of video walkthrough recording, it is very common to need to speed up the video without speeding up the audio, but being able to remove gaps in the audio. Since Descript already allows you to remove gaps in the audio, the only thing it needs to do is allow users to speed up the video separately. This is the ONE missing feature keeping me from buying a pro license.
Andrew Mason
in development
Sir Gene
Andrew Mason: Can't wait... Hopefully quality of audio will equal doing the same thing in Audition.
Yoz Grahame
When making videos for sharing through Twitter, I almost always end up speeding up some clips. I started with ScreenFlow for my videos, then moved to Resolve. Lack of speed adjustment is one of the main issues keeping me from doing most of my video work in Descript.
David Kossnick
I LOVE the "Playback speed" feature: I went ahead and exported my video thinking it would include the playback speed, but discovered it didn't. In fact, I can't figure out how (if?) it's possible to "bake" this speed into the final output. As a result, I'm now looking into separate third-party tools to speed up my final video.
My use case is to have my entire final video be 1.2x the recorded speed. Being able to adjust it per-clip would be even better (eg: parts could be 1.5x, some parts 1.1x). But honestly even having the existing playback speed as an exportable option would be a huge help.
Luciano A. Muñoz Sessarego
Yes this is one of the only reasons i still need to jump into resolve, I use speeding up clips between talked out clips a lot.
Brad Blaser
specifically would like the ability to adjust the speed of any portion of the audio waveform. From a UI perspective, could be as simple as a select + drag to lengthen.
Andrew Mason
under consideration