Canny AI
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in/out animations
Ben Mitrovich
In and out animations with organic physics applied. As opposed to just fading in graphics/icons etc.
Gabe Michalski
We added Animation easing presets in v81:
Kunal Bhatia
Gabe Michalski: sweet thanks!
Paul Danyliuk
Gabe Michalski: Thank you so much. Would love more flexible controls (curve editor or at least more settings like quad, quint, overshoot etc; see how Jitter nailed it) in the future but this is so much help already. Finally I can end-to-end edit my videos in Descript.
Gabe Michalski
Paul Danyliuk: I can confirm that more customization presets are in the works, but can't provide a specific date yet. Hopefully, soon!
Paul Danyliuk
Still waiting for this. I'd personally trade all the AI stuff just for this feature. It is painful to only have linear animations, and this is the sole thing that keeps me from end-to-end using Descript and makes me resort to other tools, importing/exporting media and killing quality on recoding, or just plainly editing in other tools :(
Would be a MASSIVE time saver to finally have this in Descript. Doesn't have to immediately be a full Bezier editor, just please add at least some basic ease-in/ease-out/quad etc presets already 🙏
P.S. Thank you SO MUCH! So far it's only the ease/in/out but it's so much helpful already!
Colin Stevens
Also allow the same for music clips so intro and outro clips can be added in the storyline view to keep Descripts 'simple as a word doc' USP alive - not forcing people to use the timeline or why give up using Camtasia etc. At present I have to record 7 seconds of random speech, mute it and then add a intro clip that lasts 7 seconds. Other options in the storyline text view are one click so this is essential too. This is a standard feature in Camtasia etc.
Pranav Vishnu
Merged in a post:
Animation timing options for cues
Jerome Choo
All the existing animation options for cues execute the animations linearly over time. This makes for a very unnatural look. An ease-in or ease-out animation timing would look much more natural.
Robert Philo
Please add this feature! This is one of the reasons I still have to use Premiere Pro.
Paul Danyliuk
Can't upvote this enough. Missing animation controls is the only missing feature that prevents me from using Descript as my end to end video editing tool.
In addition to the standard Linear / Ease in±out / Quad / Quint / Circle etc, please include custom curves (with a Bezier) too, and the ability to separately control curves for different properties (X, Y, W, H, Opacity etc)
Matt Visiwig
Surprised this basic function isn't possible.
Ethan Hansen
PLEASE and a graph editor
Daniel Wirtz
I also missed that in my editing process yesterday!
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