Choose screen recording dimensions
Chris Ching
This would be an amazing feature.. i was googling to see how i could do this in Descript and came across this request. This would remove a lot of stress and rework to the workflow!
Evert E.A. van de Braak
Great feature request Ravi! If I would have to visualize it it would look something like this. The Record panel open on the screen tab(maybe even camera) it would be great if there would be an extra menu item that would say ratio or orientation. with the options 1:1, 16:9 (landscape), 9:16 (portrait), custom where custom, you would have to drag an area to record.
Also if options 1:1, 16:9 (landscape), 9:16 (portrait), are selected it would be nice that the selected record area can still change size but would keep it's aspect ratio during dragging
A extremely helpful if the recorded area would be the exact same area as before. This one actually already exists as a feature request on it's own (
Andrew Murray
This would be very, very helpful.