Downloading multiple compositions
Crash Adams
Please create a way to download multiple compositions with a single choice / click. I use Descript to split up long Q&As into short bits for Youtube and tiktok. Sometimes I'll have up to 60 different compositions. Then I have to go 1 by 1 and click publish, download, select the next composition, publish, download, select the next composition... over and over and over. It seems like an easy fix.
If not a feature to do that automatically, then at least shortcuts for 'next composition' and 'download' would accelerate the process immensely
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Batch Export/Publish all compositions of a project
Constantin Weitbrecht
Batch Export/Publish all compositions of a project instead of having to go into each composition and click thru to export publish it. Imagine you have created 20 shorts or so. This would be huge time saver