French/multilaguale overdub?
in development
Killer Queen
I've been waiting for it for 2 year and a half now.
I haven't purchased a single descript subscription because It doesn't work for my langage.
I have spend around 200-300$ on it on other companies the last year only, but I would prefer
descrit , because plenty of their features are usefuls for my company, but I can't make my work (overdub part) in english.
I don't know why It's taking so long, litterally every single ones of descript concurent have multilingal tts, no exception.
What i'm sure of on the other side is that descript is missing on big big money by not making such a simple feature avalaible.
Support Team
Gabe Michalski
in development
This feature is currently in Beta:
Canny AI
Canny AI
Seconded! Working in a multinational environment with diverse language needs, but French is one of the most important. Even the ability to train my own would be helpful.
luca armenia
good idea