Remember screen capture size
Greg Roberts
If I record my screen capture as separate scenes, it would be nice if Descript could default to the last recording size instead of making me redraw it each time, especially since I won't always draw it exactly the same size. It would also be nice to be able to specify the width and height and/or aspect ratio of the recording area.
Laura Burkhauser
Merged in a post:
Save or remember screen recording area
Jay B
I'd like to be able to have my screen recording area remembered for the next time I screen record so I don't have to manually select an area over and over again.
Evert E.A. van de Braak
Upvote! I'm actually surprised it's not possible to set a 9:16 record ratio/window ratio Would look something like this? closely related to
Wolf McNally
I frequently will record a minute or two of a screen rectangle, stop the recording, do research or check notes, then want to pick up where I left off. I have a large monitor, so I just want to record part of the screen. But every time I start to record it asks me to redraw the screen rectangle, and this makes resuming with the same one as before very tedious and error prone.
Colin Stevens
This is a standard part of Camtasia and I've also suggested this. Having default screen recording sizes for You Tube 1920x1080 and for the most common social media videos in Portrait would save a lot of time - which is the key USP of Descript - simplicity and time saving vs linear editors :)
Larry Hill
I'm trying to record a standard screen size (1680x1050) and it's such a pain to have to adjust the recording area to this exact size for EVERY take on a demo video.