Restoration of multi track recording?
Sir Gene
It seems that before the 'new' version of Descript came out we were able to use 2, 3 or more audio sources for true multi track - multi mic - recording in descript with each podcast guest having their own mic. Unless I'm missing something - and I looked deep - that feature was deleted! Simply to be replaced with a single channel mic and a single channel 'computer speaker' option. WHEN will the feature that we always had previously going to be restored to the 'new' version? I have been doing a lot of remote interview lately and so just now noticed it was taken away when the UI changed to the new (not really better) version. But for doing serious podcast recording in studio, that feature was one of the things that made Descript competitive with Adobe products. Please bring back!
Canny AI
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Bring back multitrack audio recording
Mike Indovina
Please bring back the ability to simultaneously record multiple audio tracks and have the ability to edit them separately. This used to work but with the newest updates, this feature is gone.
This is perfect for people who have an audio interface and are using descript to capture multiple sources and then want the ability to edit each after the fact (whether for thigns like volume, muting section, etc)
Support has recommended creating an aggregate device, but this combines all audio inputs into one source. This isn't the same thing.
Canny AI
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Bring Back Multitrack Audio Recording
Mike Indovina
With the latest version of Descript, users have lost the ability to record multitrack audio as separate layers.
Yes, there are help articles that discuss how to create an aggregate audio device so you can record more than one source, but doing so combines all the inputs so that it gets recorded as one track in Descript.
I have an audio interface with multiple inputs and I'd love to record each input to it's own track in Descript so that I can edit each track independently (for example, mute one layer in certain sections, adjust volumes, etc).
This used to be possible. Please bring it back!
Canny AI
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Changes in Descript preview that are a step in the wrong direction
Alexis Kenyon
Is there a reason you changed the recording menu on the Descript Prime? The record computer audio was SO much easier. The whole descript loopback player thing and agregrate etc is confusing. the entire menu is more confusing. Can you please just stick to the simple design? Also, the downloading the audio file option rather than copy it to finder.. why did you get rid of the option to copy with studio sound on the new Descript Preview? The other was better. This new one is so annoying.