Smooth over edits
Lewis Bassett
I find that I have to export my Descript files into Audition in order to smooth out the edits. Eg removing all the filler words is very helpful but creates abrupt, unnatural cuts that I then need to manually smooth over (by overlaying the tracks a little). The same applies to other edits. Failure to do this leaves the recording sounding unnatural and to my ears unusable.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
AI Audio Edits are Abrupt and Destructive
Is Descript planning on polishing up the audio editing system in the future? I am curious because audio edits "generally" cut off hard and abruptly and do not taper off the audio edit like other AI editing software does. This often leaves me with "blips and skips" and often I find myself contemplating using "remove filler words" because the process is so destructive and unnatural sounding when finished.
James Sebenius
Same here, but I have to go to Adobe to do what should be easy—smooth video transitions—and stay in Descript.