In another request on here it is requested to adjust the speed of the Overdub audio for generated / translated voice overs. For my use case it would be much more helpful, if the audio speed would just be constant (perhaps including the manual speed adjustment proposed in the other feature request), but addionally the playback speed of the original video (e.g. of a screen sharing session), would be adjusted automatically to fit the new length of the translated audio for each section. In my case, when translating from German to English, the generated voice audio naturally is much shorter than the original German audio (and the filler words, that obviously aren't translated along making the audio length gap even bigger). This results in some generated audio sections sound like the speaker is falling asleep, while other sections fit quite well. By speeding up (or slowing down) the video accordingly to the new section length, this would be a great listining experience, while keeping all the video content mostly as it was. A speed up or slow down of 15...25% is completely fine for video (but not for the audio track... as it is now).